Exclusive: Glambergirlblog Speaks With ‘East Los High’ Actor Robert Paul Taylor

10 Nov2014
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Back in October I had the pleasure of speaking with and interviewing East Los High actress Vivian Lamolli. Late last week I caught up with one of her East Los co-stars Robert Paul Taylor and the handsome 38-year-old had quite the story to tell.

Robert Paul Taylor is the true definition of living a life of experience. Not only can you see Taylor appearing in hit shows like FOX’s Brooklyn Nine-Nine as Richmond and ABC’s Mixology as Sgt. Flex Hardbottom, but he also created and stars in The Bathroom Diaries as Ray Peratta, has traveled the world, started a publishing company and self-published several books. Can you believe this awesome life Robert Paul Taylor lives all started from the world of dance.

My interview with the actor/writer/publisher is definitely worth a listen. Check out some excerpts from our interview below.

On Getting Started In The Industry: “Well you know I’m from San Francisco originally and when I was growing up, we were going to a lot of, house music was huge. I was going to a lot of warehouse parties and I was dancing like 30 hours a week at raves, warehouse parties and I was dating this choreographer at the time, then one day she said, ‘Hey you know MTV ‘s in town, why don’t you come down to this casting. They’re looking for some dancers.’ And so we both went in the next day and we booked three commercials for M2 when they first started playing these commercials when MTV was first starting to take off late in the ’90’s. So I started dancing in a lot of music videos and doing commercials for MTV and I kind of just transitioned into the commercial world and then into films from there but that’s kind of how is started you know. It was about a year later and someone was like, ‘Wow, you’ve done commercials for MTV that’s amazing, you have a resume,’ and I was like oh wow, I guess I’ve started.”

On Working on East Los High: “Now East Los High is you know it’s such a fun show and there’s so much great hype and it’s been a really, it’s been a really great train to be on. You know I watched the first season, I had a co-star that I did another project with an actress who was on the show, the first season of East Los High so I knew about it and I watched it and I had read in the trades that Hulu had picked ’em up for a second season, really upgrading and bumping up kind of every level of the show and it was really exciting. And so, I knew I wanted to get in on it and when I heard about the casting for Remy, you know I went in there and I just, I got it, I stole it…It’s a great character because East Los High you know it’s a teen, it’s a drama, and it’s a high-octane drama. You know, girls who are losing their virginity, and people are getting beat up, and people are running away and there’s the high school aspect but there, Remy Ramirez, the character I play, brings a level of tension that kind of brings the adult world into the show. And when I spoke with the producers they wanted a realness, an antagonist, to give it a more mature angle. And so I play Remy Ramirez, he’s the hottest music producer in town and I’ve got the studio and the cars and we quickly find out that Remy has his hands in the underworld and has kind of swirled the pot of danger into a few of our East Los.”

On Starting His Street Fame Books Publishing Company: “Back when I was younger and I told you I was street performing and I was juggling, I was working on Pier 39. And there were some of the most amazing street performers in the world come here and I was so inspired by these guys and one of my mentors was this world-renowned juggler and he taught me how to juggle, he taught me the trades and he gave me a job. He had written this book when he was a kid, he was this homeless youth, he lived on the streets for years, and he had published this book when he was a kid and it really touched me and I thought, ‘God I want to look back on my life and I want to have the memories.’ And so I started journaling and I started writing, and being an author was always one of my dreams. And so I just started writing and what came after was poetry, and so I write poetry, while other people were you know we didn’t have Facebook, and Twitter, and Instagram then so I would come home and an outlet would be to write poetry and so I started publishing my own books.”

Listen to my full interview with actor Robert Paul Taylor below and share your thoughts in the comments. Also be sure to follow Robert Paul Taylor @StreetFameBooks on Twitter and Instagram for updates on his upcoming projects.

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Photo: Mayhem Entertainment TV

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