Exclusive: Glambergirlblog Speaks With Former “All That” Actress Angelique Bates

07 Nov2014
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Photo: Mayhem Entertainment TV

Photo: Mayhem Entertainment TV

Growing up as a “90’s kid” I was obsessed with television, just as much as I am now, and the programs that came on back then were and still some of my favs of all time. One of which is Nickelodeon’s comedy sketch series All That.

This week I spoke and interviewed one of All That’s original cast members Angelique Bates on what it was like working on the iconic series, what’s she been up and what’s in store for her in the future. Check out some excerpts below:

Angelique Bates on working on All That 

“You know it seem like we there all day, every day because it was still in Florida when I was doing it. The pilot and the first..seasons. And we had a tutor but everything was on set you know, we would wake up at a certain time, waking up around 6 or whatever also we had to wake up early enough to get the revised scripts because they were constantly changing the scripts and everything, in the middle of the night, in the middle of the morning and then we would all get on the little shuttle bus and head to Universal Studios, um lot because that was like our backyard and we’d go straight to the trailer, do our school work and then when we were done, they would call us on set.”

Angelique Bates on life after All That 

“After All That I was on Boston Public, I did Strong Medicine, I was doing a lot of music, a lot of people didn’t know that I was doing a lot music. I was you know working with Lazy Bone, Bones Thugs and Harmony, the producer that was behind “The Crossroad,” so I was doing music for about a few years…and I did a couple of soundtracks, I was producing and I also was doing stand up at The Laugh Factory, Ha Ha Cafe, I actually was in Damon Wayans boot camp at The Laugh Factory and I was one of the first, African-American females to graduate at that age from his camp and I ended up performing at The Laugh Factory…and Entertainment Tonight came and they covered it….it was pretty awesome so I was doing a lot of stand up…I ended up becoming a mom, so I have two gorgeous kids and I kind of took a break from the industry.”

Angelique Bates on what she wants the public to know about her 

“I’m not done. I’m not done, there’s a lot more coming. Probably a lot different…probably because a lot of people didn’t realize you know that I was a rapper, and a writer and I did stand up. Lately, you know I’ve been doing a lot of speaking, I do a lot of speaking engagements…for anti bully and domestic violence ’cause I’m a domestic violence survivor, so just that alone just like shocks people and I started doing a lot of it because I had fans that would contact me that were…,that were being abused,…they were being sexually abused, it was just crazy and they were asking me for advice and you know I would give it to them and I was like changing lives so I’m more conscious of the stuff that I do and it’s definitely the stuff that I have in store it’s going to make a difference in the world.” 

Listen to my full interview with Angelique Bates below and let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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