Viral Video: Daniel Radcliffe Takes On Blackalicious’ “Alphabet Aerobics” And Kills It [VIDEO]

30 Oct2014
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Photo: NBC

Photo: NBC

Daniel Radcliffe stopped by The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon this week to promote his film “Horns” but what happened during his interview was a great TV moment.

Radcliffe and Jimmy Fallon were discussing the “Harry Potter” star love of rap music when Fallon mentioned the difficult lyrics to Blackalicious‘ “Alphabet Aerobics.”

Since Daniel Radcliffe prides himself in learning complicated lyrics, he rapped the “Alphabet Aerobics” flawlessly on the show.

I don’t know what the hell this song is even about but I’ve never been more attracted to Daniel Radcliffe in my life! Wingardium Leviosa Mr. Potter.

Watch Daniel Radcliffe rap Blackalicious’ “Alphabet Aerobics” on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon below and share your thoughts in the comments below.

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BONUS: Watch Blackalicious perform “Alphabet Aerobics” live below

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