John Mulaney, Jennifer Garner, Jimmy Fallon and Questlove Play ‘Catchphrase’ on Tonight Show [VIDEO]

02 Oct2014
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Photo: YouTube

Photo: YouTube

It’s time for another game of celebrity Catchphrase on The Tonight Show and this may be my favorite one yet! 

Comedian John Mulaney and actress Jennifer Garner served as the celebrity guests to take on the popular segment on the late night talk show alongside Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon and house band The Roots’ drummer Questlove.

It was Mulaney and Questlover versus Garner and Fallon in the best game that has been played on the show. I swear Catchphrase really brings out the competitive side in everyone; I just love this game so much!

Watch John Mulaney, Jennifer Garner, Jimmy Fallon and Questlove play a few rounds of Catchphrase on The Tonight Show below but before you watch, let me know who you think won in the comments.

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