Twihards Regroup: ‘The Twilight Saga’ Set To Continue In Short Films Series

01 Oct2014
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Photo:  Summit

Photo: Summit

Twihards if you still haven’t gotten over the fact that “The Twilight Saga” is over; you may be able to live out the lives of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan Cullen a little bit longer.

On Tuesday, book series and franchise creator Stephenie Meyer announced the beloved characters from “Twilight” will be the central subjects in a special short film series called “The Storytellers – New Creative Voices of The Twilight Saga.”

The short film series partners: Meyers, LionsgateWomen in Film, Facebook, and Tongal to join aspiring female filmmakers to create films “based on a broad spectrum of characters from the “Twilight” universe, with guidance provided by Meyer’s encyclopedic The Twilight Saga: Official Illustrated Guide.”

The “multiphase contest” will have help from celebrity mentors and have a panel of: Kristen StewartCatherine HardwickeKate WinsletOctavia Spencer and more to aid in the process. The films will premiere on Facebook next year and have a huge fan/social media component.

Winner of the contest will be awarded a cash prize and career advances.

What do you think about “The Twilight Saga” short films series? Let me know in the comments and if you have any ideas please share.

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