Dave Franco and Conan O’Brien Join Tinder Then Meet Up With Woman [VIDEO]

18 Jul2014
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Photo: TBS

Photo: TBS

Dave Franco and Conan O’Brien make the best comedic TV host – actor duo since Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake.

In a new sketch on Conan, baby Franco and O’Brien decide to join Tinder, a dating app/site where you find people, sometimes willing to hook up, close to your area.

The boys proceed to make profiles with fake names, Jengis Roundstone and Chip Whitley, but use their real photos. After tweaking their bios, Franco and O’Brien eventually find matches and even someone willing to meet up. They then hop in their “Tinder van” called Brown Lightning and head out to meet their match of the night. The entire experience is pretty funny and very educational on how Tinder works.

Watch Dave Franco and Conan O’Brien join Tinder and all the hilarity that occurs below. Sound off about what you think in the comments.

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