First Look: Arlen Escarpeta To Play Bobby Brown in Lifetime Whitney Biopic [PHOTO]

15 Jul2014
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Photo: Jack Zeman/Lifetime Television

Photo: Jack Zeman/Lifetime Television

We have a Whitney Houston and now we have a Bobby Brown for the Lifetime Whitney Houston biopic film set to premiere in 2015.

Over the past month and a half it’s been announced that Yaya DaCosta would play the late, iconic Houston in the TV Movie. A first look at DaCosta in hair and makeup was released late last week giving fans hope that she will live up to the pop star’s legacy. On the contrary, the first look at Bobby Brown left fans less than satisfied.


Arlen Escarpeta (“Final Destination 5″/American Dreams) has been cast to play Brown in the film, according to IMDb, “I Will Always Love You: The Whitney Houston Story.” Granted Escarpeta doesn’t look like Brown but that’s not the most important thing in a movie. We can only hope he captures the essence of the King of R&B.

As stated in previous posts, the Whitney Houston biopic will showcase Houston’s rise to fame and her relationship with ex-husband Bobby Brown. The film will be directed by Houston’s “Waiting To Exhale” co-star and friend Angela Bassett.

What do think about Arlen Escarpeta as Bobby Brown for the Whitney Houston biopic?

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Photo: Jack Zeman/Lifetime Television

Photo: Jack Zeman/Lifetime Television


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