Kelly Rowland Works Out With Celebrity Trainer Jeanette Jenkins While Showing Off Baby Bump [PHOTO]

08 Jul2014
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Kelly Rowland is proving that the lady that works out during pregnancy will not only remain healthy but have an amazing glow.

Celebrity Trailer Jeanette Jenkins posted a new photo of Kelly Rowland’s growing belly on Instagram with an extensive caption that offered some great benefits for exercising while pregnant.

Jenkins’ caption read, “Mommy Rowland @KellyRowland working on her fitness! So adorable! Here are 7 Amazing benefits of exercising during your pregnancy: 1. Boost your energy 2. Sleep better 3. Reduce pregnancy discomfort 4. Prepare for childbirth 5. Reduce stress and lift your spirits 6. Improve your self-image 7. Get your body back faster after childbirth #healthyspirit  #healthyliving #pregnancy #kellyrowland #jeanettejenkins #positiveenergy #prenatalexercise.”

Kelly Rowland is expecting her first child with husband Tim Witherspoon.

Check out Kelly Rowland proudly showing off her baby bump below.

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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

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