Casting News: Zendaya Drops Out of Lifetime Aaliyah Biopic – Is The Movie Postponed?

29 Jun2014
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

A few weeks ago it was announced that “Zapped” actress Zendaya landing the coveted role to play the late R & B singer Aaliyah in a Lifetime biopic film, today it was announced that she dropped out of the project.

On Twitter, she very oddly referred to herself in the third person and tweeted, “Aaliyah has always been a source of inspiration to Zendaya. She was honored to portray her and pay tribute to her.” The stream of tweets ended with, “If she is going to do it, she wants to do it right.” That tweet had a photo of Aaliyah and Zendaya both singing on stage attached. [SEE BELOW]

Not having a lead actress isn’t the only issue surrounding the “Aaliyah: Princess of R&B” TV movie. Filmmakers are having trouble clearing rights to use Aaliyah’s music in the film and family of the “One in Million” singer feel Aaliyah deserves a feature film so they are trying to stop production all together. I just hope the film still gets made.

Are you sad to hear about Zendaya dropping out of the film? So who will play Aaliyah in the Lifetime biopic now? Is the film getting canned all together? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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