Robert Pattinson Talks Family, “The Rover,” Rap Music and More on Late Night With Seth Meyers [VIDEO]

18 Jun2014
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Robert Pattinson made a first time appearance on Late Night With Seth Meyers on Tuesday night and was his usual charming, silly self as he discussed growing up with older sisters, his film “The Rover,” rap music, being friends with hookers in LA and more.

Pattinson and Meyers went into detail about Pattinson always wanting a baby brother, his dream of being a rapper named Big Tub and being “paranoid” about his weight.

I felt like this interview was very awkward. I don’t know if Seth Meyers was nervous but there were awkward pauses that made me uncomfortable but the close ups on Robbie gave me time to admire how great his suit was. He looked really good. Kudos to his stylist.

Watch Robert Pattinson talk family, “The Rover,” rap music and more on Late Night With Seth Meyers below. Plus check out the selfie Robbie took while at Late Night.

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