Kim Kardashian’s Game Will Be Released Next Week – Watch The Trailer Now [VIDEO]

18 Jun2014
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Kim Kardashian West announced on Instagram that she was working on a “special project” in the form of a game. The news got everyone buzzing on what kind of game she was working on.

On Tuesday, we got a sneak peek and today Kardashian West released a trailer for her game simply called “Kim Kardashian Hollywood.”

She uploaded a trailer for her game on Instagram with the caption, “Excited to announce the new #KimKardashianGame launches next week on the App Store and Google Play! Check out the trailer…”

The trailer for the game advertises that players will go on a “celebrity adventure” with Kimmie, get dressed up, go the “hottest clubs, flirt and fall in love.” The objective of the game is to see if you make the A-list I’m guessing. It seems like a fun game for tweens obsessed with celebrity and the Kardashian brand.

Watch the trailer for Kim Kardashian‘s game below and tell me what you think in the comments.

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