Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Hart Go For A Ride On ‘RockIt’ Roller Coaster At Universal Studios [VIDEO]

18 Jun2014
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Photo: YouTube

Photo: YouTube

Kevin Hart stopped by The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon: Orlando to discuss his June 20th film, “Think Like A Man Too.”

Following the interview, Jimmy Fallon and Hart took a trip down to Universal Studios to take a ride on the “Rip Ride RockIt” roller coaster. While Fallon seemed very enthused, Hart was just not feeling it making for a hilarious clip.

I just knew Kevin Hart was about to pass out, like that one guy who literally did when he rode that slingshot coaster. This video is equally hilarious!

Watch Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Hart go on a hilarious ride on the RockIt roller coaster at Universal Studios below.

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