Robert Pattinson Talks “The Rover,” Heavy Saliva, Lying and More On ‘JKL’ [VIDEO]

13 Jun2014
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Photo: ABC

Photo: ABC

My baby is back and I’m so excited!

Robert Pattinson stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live last night to discuss his film “The Rover,” which premieres in New York and LA theaters today and everywhere June 20, but also discussed his heavy saliva, lying, being homeless and more with Jimmy Kimmel.

The former “Twilight” cutie was noticeably nervous so what happened? Word vomit! Pattinson started to ramble and share TMI, but would we expect anything else from our boy?

I was in swoon mode during his entire interview because I really missed Robbie on the scene and doing press. He really gives the best interviews in my opinion and I always die laughing. Glad to see that beautiful face back on my screen Bobby.

Watch Robert Pattinson‘s interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live below.

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Robert Pattinson – Interview – Jimmy Kimmel 6… by IdolxMuzic

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