It’s Here: Nicki Minaj’s ‘Pills N Potions’ Music Video Released [VIDEO]

10 Jun2014
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Nicki Minaj released the anticipated music video for her latest single “Pills N Potions,” off her upcoming album The Pink Print. 

The music video features rapper The Game with Minaj belting out the vocals to the track. The video is much like the teaser I posted back on Friday. It’s weird with liquid cigarettes, liquid tears, a liquid head of The Game, dancing rabbits, Nicki’s new fragrance, Minajesty, and more!

It reminds me of this episode of The X-Files when Scully and Mulder was trapped in this underground alien chamber and things that you thought were real, weren’t and they kept melting into this gooey substance, yeah, you’ll have to look it up.

But anywho, I feel a percentage of large, white bunny ears are going to go up with ill-fated girls trying to pull off Nicki’s look, ugh these trends. Nicki Minaj however pulls it off to perfection and I think looks the best I ever seen her in a music video. She looks gorgeous!

Watch Nicki Minaj in her new music video for “Pills N Potions” below and tell me what you think.

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