Jay Z and Solange Spoofed In SNL Season Finale Cold Open [VIDEO]

18 May2014
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Photo: NBC

Photo: NBC

Saturday Night Live has always been a platform to discuss scandalous elements of pop culture with a mix of humor so it should come as no surprise that the infamous elevator altercation between Jay Z and Solange was spoofed.

On the season finale of SNL, Jay Pharoah did one of his amazing impersonations of Jay Z while newbie Sasheer Zamata channeled Solange. The two discussed why they fought and released audio along with video of the actual altercation.

Later in the clip, Maya Rudolph returned to SNL as Beyoncé to share a little insight on the situation and how they got back at the person who leaked the tape. You’ll get a little chuckle.

Watch Jay Z and Solange spoofed in the season finale of Saturday Night Live below.

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