Giving Back: Nicki Minaj Meets 5-Year-Old Miyah, Cancer Patient and Huge Fan

31 Mar2014
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

I really love when celebrities use their status in society for good, even if it’s as simple as meeting a fan and helping their dreams come true.

Meet Miyah, a 5-year-old cancer stricken girl who had a wish to meet rapper Nicki Minaj.

With the help of NBA baller John Wall, who first made public that the young fan wanted to meet Minaj and wear one of her infamous pink wigs week agos, Miyah was finally able to have her sit down with Minaj.

In a series of photos and a video, Minaj bonds with the girl she referred to as a “pretty little princess” on Twitter. Minaj even offers up some inspiring words for Miyah in a video on Instagram.

Watch Nicki Minaj offer 5-year-old Miyah some words of encouragement and advice below.

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