TV Time: Lena Dunham and Hugh Dancy Play Pyramid on ‘Tonight Show’ [VIDEO]

19 Mar2014
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Photo: NBC

Photo: NBC

There are many reasons why I love Jimmy Fallon! One of which is that he plays all my favorite games on his late night talk show with all my favorite celebs.

Last night on The Tonight Show, Fallon welcomed quests Lena Dunham of HBO’s Girls, LOVE HER, and Hugh Dancy from Hannibal.

In between Dunham and Dancy interviews, Fallon played a game of the popular throwback game show $25,000 Pyramid. In the game you must guess words from clues given by your partner all associated with a specific category. Then the roles are reversed. Whoever wins more points in the three rounds goes to the winners circle for a chance to win the big money. On The Tonight Show only the first three rounds part was played.

It was Dunham and Dancy vs. Questlove and Fallon. Who do you think won?

Watch Lena Dunham, Hugh Dancy, Questlove and Jimmy Fallon play Pyramid below.

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