Question of The Day: Did Blue Ivy Sing Along To “Drunk In Love” At Grammy Rehearsal?

07 Mar2014
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

The infamous and viral word “surfboard” from Beyoncé‘s single “Drunk In Love” is on the tips of everyone’s tongues. Now it finally boiled down to the singer’s daughter Blue Ivy.

A video has hit the web of Beyoncé rehearsing her “Drunk In Love” performance from the 2014 Grammy awards. Choreographer Frank Gatson Jr. dances along with Bey as she practices for the live show and towards the end of the track you hear a little voice singing “surfboard” along to the amplified music.

A voice that sounds very much like Blue Ivy [At the 4:40 mark in the video below] sings along to the track leading Beyoncé to call out to her daughter saying “Hi Blue Blue.” Blue responds back, “Hi mommy. Hi mommy. Hi mommy. Hi mama,” making Bey melt. It’s pretty sweet.

Watch Beyoncé rehearse her 2014 Grammy performance and swoon to Blue Ivy’s voice below.

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