Question of the Day: Are Katy Perry and John Mayer Broken Up…Again?

26 Feb2014
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Photo: Mario Sorrenti

Photo: Mario Sorrenti

Even after spending Valentine’s Day together it looks like Katy Perry and John Mayer are calling it quits…Again.

Several media outlets, including entertainment news bible PEOPLE, are reporting that Perry and Mayer have split up.

A close source tells PEOPLE, “She was talking about him like everything was normal about two weeks back.” The source added that they “seemed pretty happy just a couple of weeks ago.”

And get this, it’s being reported that Mayer was the one to break it off with the 29-year-old “Dark Horse” singer. I can’t with Katy and John. I mean these two have more back and forth movement than a pinball game.

Did you see this break up coming? Or do you think Katy Perry and John Mayer will somehow get back together soon.

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