Samuel L. Jackson Goes Off On Anchor For Confusing Him With Laurence Fishburne [VIDEO]

10 Feb2014
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Photo: TMZ

Photo: TMZ

Well this is uncomfortable!

I’m sure we’ve seen a Samuel L. Jackson film or two in our day and are aware of how people say he’s very much like his characters; you know loud and abrasive but in a good, assertive type of way.

A recent interview with KTLA Entertainment News reporter Sam Rubin proved to display that assertive man we know him to be.

Jackson appeared on the Hollywood based program to promote “RoboCop” when Rubin asked him about the Super Bowl commercial he was in. That lead Jackson to presume Rubin confused him for Laurence Fishburne, who did have a Super Bowl commercial for Kia. Samuel L. Jackson went off.

After Rubin continuously apologized to Jackson for the mistake; Jackson continued to hound the anchor. Later Rubin spoke with TMZ explaining that he saw Jackson in several commercials during the Super Bowl i.e a “Captain America” spot that he might have been in and the Capital One credit card commercial. Rubin mentioned the commercial in general during the interview not specifically the Kia one; He did not mean to spark any deeper, misguided thoughts.

Word to all journalists and/or bloggers FACT CHECKING is very important!

Watch how Samuel L. Jackson handled KTLA anchor Sam Rubin and how Rubin explained the situation below.

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