Mariska Hargitay Laughs Off Awkward Fan Encounter on ‘Chelsea Lately’ [VIDEO]

06 Feb2014
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Photo: E!

Photo: E!

Law and Order: SVU actress Mariska Hargitay stopped by Chelsea Lately this week and shared a delightful story of fan encounter she had while on vacation with her husband.

Chelsea Handler asked Hargitay was is hard to go out because she’s so famous and would get recognized leading the 50-year-old brunette beauty to reveal a very funny, and awkward, moment she had while out at dinner with her husband, Peter.

“This woman, awesome, leans over and she goes, ‘You look exactly like that lady on Law and Order, but you’re much younger and much prettier’,” Hargitay told Handler.

Mariska Hargitay continues to describe the conversation that went on between herself and the woman unaware of who she’s talking to. She definitely got the last laugh in this situation and you will too.

Watch Mariska Hargitay laugh off her awkward fan encounter on Chelsea Lately below.

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