Laura Prepon Is Indeed Returning For Season 2 of “Orange Is The New Black”

03 Feb2014
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Well this is casting news that I’m very happy to hear about!

Remember back in August when rumors were swirling that Laura Prepon aka Alex Vause from Orange Is the New Black wasn’t going to return as a regular cast member to the award-nominated Netflik’s series? Well that is a thing of the past!

Prepon will return to OITNB and will be in many episodes according to show creator Jenji Kohan.

She told US Weekly, “Yes, yes, she is coming back. Not the whole season, but…you’ll see her for most of it.”

This is very good news! I mean we have to know what happened to Vause and sweet Dandelion’s relationship.

Season 2 of Orange Is the New Black is pretty much wrapped but we’re still waiting on that good ole premiere date.

Are you glad to hear that Laura Prepon will in fact return for most of OITNB season 2?

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