Justin Bieber Arrested in Miami For DUI – See The Mug Shot Everyone Is Talking About [PHOTO]

23 Jan2014
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Photo: Twitter

Photo: Twitter

The crazy antics of Justin Bieber has finally hit the fan. After police home raids, “egging homes,” tour bus drug raids, all the negative influences has landed Bieber behind bars.

The 19-year-old “All That Matters” singer was arrested in Miami with the charges: resisting arrest without violence, driving under the influence and operating a motor vehicle with an expired driver’s license totaling a bond of $2,500.

Now this is how the events played out leading up to his arrest. Bieber showed up to SET Nightclub in Miami, FL just after midnight according to eyewitnesses. He partied there until about 2 a.m and left with friends and models including Chantel Jeffries in a rented Lamborghini.

A little after 4 a.m, according to Miami Beach Police Sgt. Bobby Hernandez, Bieber “was pulled over and failed a field sobriety test” after cops took some time to catch up to his speeding vehicle. Justin Bieber admitted to being on prescription antidepressants, smoking marijuana “all day” and drinking “a beer” at some point during the day, at the time of his arrest. He was taken into the Miami-Dade jail for processing. [SEE JUSTIN BIEBER’S MUG SHOT BELOW]

Now can I just say that I think Justin Bieber is doing too much! He’s basically a baby and I feel is succumbing to peer pressure. He’s trying so hard to be something I honestly don’t think he is. Like what is he taking antidepressants for? What does he have to be depressed about? Is this a cry for help? If so, somebody in his camp needs to HELP HIM. Or his mother needs to step in, drag his little ass off tour, bring him home to Canada until he gets straighten out. I would hate to hear something worst than an arrest happen to him.

Do you think this will be the thing to cause Justin Bieber to turn his life around?

Follow on Twitter and Instagram @glambergirlblog

UPDATE: Justin Bieber has been released from jail.

Photo: Miami PD

Photo: Miami PD

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