Casting News: Zoe Saldana Lands Leading Role in “Rosemary’s Baby” Miniseries Remake

16 Jan2014
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Photo: Twitter

Photo: Twitter

Let me start by saying that I don’t have nothing against Zoe Saldana. I think she’s beautiful, an alright actress, and she seems like a sweet person but this is a direction for the “Rosemary’s Baby” remake that I did not see coming. I could have swore Michelle Williams was a shoe in for the lead.

TV TIME: “ROSEMARY’S BABY” MINISERIES GREENLIT FOR NBC is reporting that “Star Trek” star Zoe Saldana has been cast as Rosemary Woodhouse, the iconic character Mia Farrow made famous in 1968.

What do you think about the lead casting choice for the “Rosemary’s Baby” miniseries?

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