Viral Video: Honest Trailers – “Friday”

14 Jan2014
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Photo: ScreenJunkies Screenshot

Photo: ScreenJunkies Screenshot

I simply adore Screen Junkies Honest Trailer videos! More than not, they say everything we are thinking about our favorite movies and it’s hilarious!

Friday” is the latest film to get the honest truth thanks to the peeps at SJ to celebrate the release of Ice Cube‘s, star of the film, new movie “Ride Along.”

“Friday” is the classic 1990’s film about Craig (Cube) and Smokey (Chris Tucker) chilling on the porch during a Friday afternoon in Los Angeles, but so much happens over the course of that now iconic day. And if you ever wondered where the catch phrase “Bye Felicia” came from, you will soon find out.

Check out the Honest Trailer for “Friday” below.

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