TV Recap: ‘Girls’ Season 3 Premiere Recap – Episodes 1 and 2

13 Jan2014
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Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

The Girls are back and I am too excited!

The season 3 premiere of HBO Girls brought two new episodes for the night: “Females Only” and “Truth or Dare.”


The opening of “Females Only” was true to the past seasons, Hannah (Lena Dunham) was laying in bed with a loved one. The first season it was Marnie (Allison Williams), second it was Elijah (Andrew Rannells), and third it’s Adam (Adam Driver). We then see what all the girls are up to; Marnie is back home with her mom Evie (Rita Wilson) recovering from her break up with Charlie, Shoshanna (Zosia Mamet) is liberated in sexual freedom and Jessa (Jemima Kirke) is stuck washing dishes, later finding out she’s in rehab.

“Females Only” is an episode focusing on the girls figuring out their sh*t basically and dealing with the past in order to move on with the future. These first two episodes of Girls had several highlights for me such as:

  • Natalia (Shiri Appleby) cursing out Adam and calling him all types of names and recalls their last encounter together.
  • Hannah and Shosh singing Maroon 5’s “One More Night” in the car with Adam to get Jessa.
  • Falling in love with Adam more. In the first two episodes Adam is forced by Hannah to get to know her friends and I’m so glad he did. Even though he acts deranged, Adam has really insightful and sweet things to say, he also calls Hannah his best friend.
  • Hannah, Shosh and Adam play “truth or dare”. Hannah reveals a sexual experience while playing the game.
  • Jessa goes down on “gay, fat Laura” played by Orange is the New Black Danielle Brooks.
  • Jessa gets kicked out of rehab and Adam offers to go to group meetings with her.

New episodes of Girls can be seen on HBO Sunday nights at 10pm with episodes available on HBO GO as soon after the new episodes air.

What did you think about the season 3 premiere?

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