Meet Chuckesmee – The Version of Renesmee We Didn’t See in “Twilight”

06 Nov2013
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Photo: Summit Entertainment

Photo: Summit Entertainment

If you were having issues with the digitally enhanced Mackenzie Foy as the human-vampire hybrid child Renesmee in “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn 1″ and “Breaking Dawn Part 2” films then you don’t know how lucky we as “Twilight” fans were to have that baby instead of “Chuckesmee.”

Chuckesmee is the version of Renesmee we would have had imprinted in our Twi hearts if it wasn’t for the genius who opted out of using it; and I do mean it. That thing is hideous!


In new behind the scenes footage from “The Twilight Saga: Forever,” Nikki Reed, who plays Rosalie Hale, explains “I understand the theory behind it, you know, to have this little creature that does all the hand movements and stuff. I want the whole world to forgive me now before this movie comes out, because I’m holding like a 60-pound mechanical doll … It’s really difficult for me.”

Director of the last installments Bill Condon and producer Wyck Godfrey also chimed in on just how crazy the original doll was. Godfrey said, “Chuckesmee is one of the most grotesque animatronic babies ever to not be seen on film,” I couldn’t agree more!

And to think, all those times the cast joked about how bad the first Renesmee was and I thought they were exaggerating; I was wrong so wrong. This version of Nessie just makes me very uncomfortable. I don’t know how they made it through as many shots as they did without bursting into laughter.

Get a look at Chuckesmee in full motion HERE. And let me warn you, it’s equally terrifying as it is hilarious!

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