Viral Video: Jay Pharoah and Kerry Washington’s SNL “What Does My Girl Say” [VIDEO]

03 Nov2013
2,430 1
Photo: NBC

Photo: NBC

Scandal actress Kerry Washington hosted Saturday Night Live this week and I have mixed reviews.

Although Kerry looked beyond beautiful and shined in her sketches; I didn’t find them all that funny. I also noticed that she was playing a variety of African-American type of characters. The ghetto black girl, the self-righteous black girl and the confused African.

The sketch I found the funniest was The Lonely Island type short “What Does My Girl Say” featuring Kerry and show regular Jay PharoahSNL parodied a European dance song called “The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)” but in their version Pharoah is a cheating boyfriend and Washington is the snooping girlfriend who busts him; I found it very comical.

Watch Kerry Washington and Jay Pharoah in “What Does My Girl Say” below.

P.S. Did we peep her baby bump or no?

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