Twihards: “The Twilight Saga: Forever” NEW Behind The Scenes Footage and Bloopers

01 Nov2013
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Photo: Hypable

Photo: Hypable

Twihards, the saga may indeed be over but our beloved series can last forever; or at least it means new material from the “Twilight” saga will come pouring in.

As we know, the “Twilight Forever: The Complete Saga” DVD set is being released this month, November 5 to be exact, but some of the NEW bonus material has already hit the internet and it’s hilarious!

In the new behind the scenes/bloopers we find Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and more of the cast going over a few scenes and having downtime in between over the course of the five years the films were in productions. We get to see some very funny prep work for iconic scenes and the very first time Rob and Kristen sat down to do a “Twilight” interview, *cue “A Thousand Years” and the emotions we felt during the final credits*

I wasn’t bothering purchasing the movies in a complete set since I already own all five films but these new, bonus material is making me second guess myself. I mean that was the best part outside of watching the films; and the commentary of course.

Can we talk about how cute Robbie and Ki Ki are in their first interview though. They look so innocent and nervous but it’s good to see some things never change. Kristen still is swearing like a sailor and calling people “dude” and Robert is still, well he’s still playing all day on set and has all the jokes. I really do still love this movie so much; it just makes me swoon.

Watch the bonus material HERE and HERE plus some below.

Will you be picking up “Twilight Forever: The Complete Saga” DVD set come Tuesday?

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