Question of the Day: Is Shia LaBeouf Really Getting Graphic in New “Nymphomaniac” Teaser [VIDEO]

01 Nov2013
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Photo: Twitter

Photo: Twitter

Lars Von Trier’s upcoming film “Nymphomaniac” features Shia LaBeouf and his co-star Stacy Martin engaging in some very intense and graphic sexual scenes.

Given the title of the film means someone who has an excessive sexual desire and/or behavior and Von Trier is a writer/director known for not holding anything back; this two-part erotic drama is going to be a lot  to take in.

In the new teaser trailer for “Nymphomaniac” entitled “Chapter 5: The Little Organ School,” LaBeouf and Martin are having some pretty hot “relations” but is it really them? Yes and no.

“We shot the actors pretending to have sex and then had the body doubles who really did have sex, and in post we will digital impose the two,” Louise Vesth, a producer for the film, told The Hollywood Reporter in an interview. “So above the waist it will be the star, and the below the waist it will be the doubles.” Interesting, very interesting.

Watch the NSFW “Nymphomaniac” new teaser HERE.

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