Casting News: Victor Rasuk Lands Role in “Fifty Shades of Grey”

01 Nov2013
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Photo: Twitter

Photo: Twitter

Now that Jamie Dornan is on board as Christian Grey in the “Fifty Shades of Grey” movie and we have Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele; it’s now time to fill in all the other characters that made the book series such a success.

The character that now has a face is Jose, Ana’s college and longtime friend that has been pining over her for quite some time. Victor Rasuk (“How to Make It In America”) has been announced to play the friend zoned buddy opposite Johnson.

Production for the film is set to start soon; as early as November.

The thing I like most about this casting so far is that it’s all actors that really don’t have a signature role so we won’t be able to identify them as nothing else but these characters they’re about to bring to life and ultimately make famous.

Are you happy with the casting so far? How do you think production for the “Fifty Shades of Grey” will go?

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