13 Days of Glamberween – Happy Mischief Night

30 Oct2013
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GIF: bostinno

GIF: bostinno

Happy Mischief Night Glamberous Ones!

It’s the day before the spookiest holiday of the year, Halloween, but not before folks celebrate Mischief Night. Whether you know it as Devil’s NightHell NightCabbage NightGate NightMizzy Night, or Miggy Night, the unofficial holiday is when people, mostly teenagers, plays pranks the day before Halloween.

For me growing up Mischief Night was crazy! Kids and homes would get egged (Have raw eggs thrown at them), ding-dong dixie was played (Knocking on someone’s door and running away); you did want to be out when it got dark.

For this post I want to highlight a lighter side of jokes and pranks. And nobody does good pranks like Ellen DeGeneres so for your viewing pleasure I included some of my favorite pranks of hers below along with a fav Scare Tactics video of mine.

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