13 Days of Glamberween: Play Misty For Me

25 Oct2013
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I thought I’d give you a taste of the new school on my last 13 Days of Glamberween movie but many of my favs are older films. I always heard about “Play Misty For Me” but never got a chance to see it but once I did, it immediately became one of my favorite horror films.

What’s It About
Let me start by saying “Play Misty For Me” is the original “Fatal Attraction” and I think so much better. The 1971 film is about a famous DJ, Dave (Clint Eastwood) who  has a one night stand unknowingly with his number one fan Evelyn (Jessica Walter), who calls every night and requests Misty. But Evelyn soon becomes a stage five clinger and eventually loses her sh*t when Dave gets back together with his estranged lover Tobie (Donna Mills).

Why It Made My List
“Play Misty For Me” is truly the first film of its kind. Before there were all the films about girls becoming obsessed with a lover we had Evelyn in “Play Misty For Me.” The film fits the horror genre because it’s simply terrifying to see how crazy a woman can get over a guy. Evelyn went through extreme measures for Dave. Even though this is a horror/drama film; there are some comedic moments in the film. Evelyn is the best character and if you watch the film enough, like I have, it begins to be a comedy.

Why You Should Watch It
Last time I checked “Play Misty For Me” was on MoviePlex on OnDemand, so if you have it go check it out. This film should be on the list of movies you see before you die plus it’s a good change of pace to see Jessica Walter before she played Lucille Bluth in Arrested Development.

Watch the trailer for “Play Misty For Me” below and the link to rent the film for only $2.99.

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Photo: Universal Home Video

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