Get Your First Look At “X-Men: Days of Future Past” [TEASER TRAILER]

24 Oct2013
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

I really have a thing for X-Men; more the original cast though. I had my hesitations about the new class but I slowly began to fall in love with them.

So when I caught wind that the new X-Men movie would combine the old cast with the new I was all in. The first teaser for “X-Men: Days of Future Past” has been released via Instagram and although it’s brief I can already see how good it’s going to be.

The world premiere of the full trailer will be released October 29. I can’ wait.

X-Men: Days of Future Past” will be in theaters May 23, 2014.

Until then watch the first teaser for “X-Men: Days of Future Past” below.

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