Zac Efron Gets Naked in The Red Band Trailer For “That Awkward Moment” [VIDEO]

15 Oct2013
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Well hello Zac Efron! I knew you were pretty hot but sheesh, way to tease me with a good time.

The red band trailer for Efron’s new film “That Awkward Moment” has been released and the clip is going viral for two main concepts: Zac Efron naked and Zac Efron with a sex toy, yeah it’s that kind of movie.

In the raunchy comedy Zac Efron plays Jason along with Miles Teller as Daniel and Michael B. Jordan as Mikey who all play three best friends. They swear to all remain single while Mikey deals with a break up but all somehow end up in borderline relationships; awkward. 

That Awkward Moment” will be in theaters January 31, 2014.

Watch the red band trailer for “That Awkward Moment” below. WARNING: Trailer contains adult content/humor.

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