‘Glee’ Says Goodbye To Deceased Cast Member Cory Monteith in Emotional Episode [VIDEO]

04 Oct2013
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Photo: FOX

Photo: FOX

Glamberous Ones, grab a box of tissues and a bucket to catch your tears because this is going to break your heart.

Earlier this year Hollywood mourned and said farewell to Glee actor Cory Monteith. Since he was very much still apart of the hit FOX series, loyal fans of the show wondered how Monteith’s character Finn Hudson would be written off the show and how he would get a proper goodbye.

Well that bittersweet time is near; the “Farewell To Finn” episode will air next Thursday and a promo clip for the episode has been revealed that will surely bring you to tears.

In the clip students of McKinley High are seen setting up a memorial for Finn outside his locker, Kurt (Chris Colfer) is seen crying wearing a letterman jacket all the while Rachel Berry (Lea Michele), Cory Monteith’s on and off-screen love, is singing Adele’s “Make You Feel My Love” and weeping into Mr. Schuester’s (Matthew Morrison) arms. *tear*

Of course I shed tears on just the promo so I know I’ll be a wreck watching the entire episode. Will you say farewell to Finn next week with other Gleeks?

Watch the promo “Farewell To Finn” below and don’t even bother to hold tears back. #RIPCoryMonteith

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