Robert Pattinson Talks About The New Direction of His Career With Australia’s ‘Sunday Style’

17 Sep2013
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Photo: Australia’s Sunday Style

Photo: Australia’s Sunday Style

My boy is back and ready to transform his career from teen heartthrob to serious actor; and my body is ready, it’s so ready.

Robert Pattinson steamed up all our computer screens when his Dior Homme Fragrance Ad campaign was released and now he’s just letting our imaginations roam from his recent interview with Australia’s Sunday Style magazine.

“I just didn’t expect any of this and I didn’t ask for it,” Robbie said when asked about the amount of success he received, mainly from “Twilight.” “It was literally all luck. I just stumbled from job to job.” Now he’s stumbling on to a way to transform his career.

Robert Pattinson attributes his partnership with Christian Dior and being the face of their new fragrance as a way to segue into a more “grown up” Rob. “I’m trying to get out of being perceived as really young and I think doing [Dior] helps along those lines. I’m 27 now and I can feel people looking at me differently,” “The Rover” said in the interview. He continued, “It’s a weird year. With Twilight ending and other films I’ve done, like Cosmopolis, I suddenly feel like I’m being treated like an actual actor.”

But Rob still struggles with insecurities, I honestly can’t even comprehend why, and revealed he still gets anxiety adding, “Body dysmorphia, overall tremendous anxiety. I suppose it’s because of these tremendous insecurities that I never found a way to become egotistical. I don’t have a sixpack and I hate going to the gym. I’ve been like that my whole life. I never want to take my shirt off. I’d prefer to get drunk,” my guy!

Man I can’t wait for Robbie to start promoting all the films he’s shooting this year; I sure miss his interview bits.

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