Casting News: OITNB Actress Danielle Brooks Set To Be First Black Female Character on ‘Girls’

16 Sep2013
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

I am beyond ecstatic that my two of my favorite TV shows are colliding: HBO’s Girls and Netflik’s Orange Is The New Black

Danielle Brooks who plays inmate Taystee on the hit series Orange Is The New Black revealed that she is making TV history with yet another hit show; Lena Dunham and Judd Apatow’s love child Girls

In a recent interview with Ebonythe Juilliard graduate said, “Of course you’re going to get to see a lot of Taystee in season two and I just shot an episode of ‘Girls’ for HBO. I will be the first Black woman to be on ‘Girls,’ so that’s exciting for me. Other than that I just don’t know. I’m hoping Melissa McCarthy will hit a sister up.”

Do the “Taystee twist” with me Glamberous Ones! CONGRATS Danielle Brooks on your new role.

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