James Franco Tells The Daily Beast “I Wish I Was Gay”

10 Sep2013
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

In a candid interview with The Daily Beast, my boo thang James Franco opens up about his necrophiliac film “Child of God,” gay rumors and his Comedy Central roast.

“If that’s what they were going to make fun of me for, I was like, ‘Great! Bring on the gay jokes!’ because these aren’t insults at all,” Franco boasted about the burns that were thrown at him during his roast on Labor Day.

He continued, “I don’t even care if people think I’m gay, so it was like, “Awesome!” I mean, I wish I was … I wish I was gay.” Ugh can you even imagine; all I know is if James Franco one day ends up coming out as a gay man I know for sure all hope is lost and my depression would seep in.



James Franco then went on to talk about his public image saying, “My relationship with my public image over the past four or five years has just become weirder and weirder, because I look at it and it’s me, and it’s not me, so if other people want to use that for their own purposes or needs, I’m fine with it.”

He then talked about yet another directorial stab at “Child of God,” a film based on Cormac McCarthy,a necrophiliac killer in a southern town. “It’s not that I, in my own life, find dead bodies particularly sexy or anything like that, but in a film, it allows you, in a very extreme way, to deal with a character whose imagination has gone to a crazy place.”

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