Question of The Day: Did Justin Bieber Drop The N-Word In “What She Wants” Song?

04 Sep2013
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Justin Bieber may be a lot of things these days but would he blatantly use a racial slur in his music?

A new song called “What She Wants” was uploaded to YouTube that gave Beliebers the impression that the song was indeed from the “As Long As You Love Me” singer. I admit; it sounds like JB to me and I was really feeling the song until I heard “Justin Bieber” drop the “n word;” yeah that n word, but was it really him?

Apparently not. An artist named Khalil Underwood is said to be the person whose music was used, so basically JB’s camp is saying he has nothing to do with the song and we have no idea who the Bieber impersonator is. Hmmm.

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