GGBTV Presents: Philly’s Phinest – Mah Jing Wong of Mah Jing Wong Clothing Brand

31 Aug2013
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Hello Glamberous Ones and Welcome to GGBTV Presents: Philly’s Phinest!

Well this is it. The last interview in GGBTV Presents: Philly’s Phinest. All month-long I brought you exclusive sit downs with some of Philadelphia’s greatest talents in media, fashion, music and more! Over the weekend I’ll be wrapping up the series with my story with and some bonus material from the many interviews.

Mah Jing Wong is a fashion designer I’ve known for quite some time. Back when we were just talking about our dreams of writing and reporting for me and designing for him I knew he was one of those people I’d see at the top with me. I sat down with Mah Jing to discuss his brand and where he plans on going in the future.

My career in terms of being an entrepreneur and starting my clothing line, it kind of just happened,” Mah Jing said when I asked about the start of his career. He continued, “Like after college, I graduated in 2010 and I was asked to do a couple of charity event fashion shows. One particular Lisa Raye hosted and a stylist was there, saw my collection and it kind of just took off from there.”

If you haven’t seen any designs by Mah Jing Wong allow him to describe to you his style as a designer, “I often say that my style is a Japanese anime mixed with a pop art influence.” He continues to say, “I love style lines, I love mix medium, and I like to take risks with my designs. And I like for my designs to kind of make the eye dance and almost stop you in your tracks and say “what is that” and then once it sets in and it’s like it’s really different.”

Mah Jing is where you can see all of the pieces from every collection Mah Jing has so far.

Mah Jing Wong is one of Philly’s Phinest because he’s an innovative fashion designer who doesn’t fit the typical mold of the fashion industry; he created his own. He’s a down to Earth man with a heart of gold to match.

Watch Mah Jing Wong discuss his style as a designer, career highlights, future plans and more below.

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