Divergent First Look [Trailer Thursday]

29 Aug2013
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Ok Glamberous Ones I’m going to need you to help me out on this one.

The first look at the anticipated film “Divergent” has been released and people are going ape sh*t. I for one am a little confused about it.

The film is described as, “In a future world people are divided into factions based on personality, a teenager is warned she is Divergent and will never fit into any one group. When she discovers a conspiracy to destroy all Divergents, her life is threatened.” The “divergent” in the film is Beatrice Prior played by Shailene Woodley.

I feel like the movie is a “Hunger Games” combined with “The Host” and I just don’t get it, but you be the judge. “Divergent” will be in theaters early next year, March 21, 2014.

Watch the first look at “Divergent” below and tell me your opinion.

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