Kanye West To Appear on Kris Jenner’s Talk Show

20 Aug2013
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Photo: Entertainment Weekly

Photo: Entertainment Weekly

Set your DVR’s Glamberous Ones because you don’t want to miss this one! It’s finally time for us to see North West!

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have been very private and low-key when it comes to their daughter North West but now they are ready to reveal their baby to the world; the only way the Kardashians know how – on television.

Kanye West will appear as a guest on Kris Jenner’s talk show Kris for a hour-long interview in which he will openly talk about his relationship with Kim Kardashian and being “so in love,” fatherhood and get this; rumor has it that Ye will even reveal a photo of his 2-month-old baby girl.

The episode has already been pre-taped and is set to air on the summer trial finale Friday, August 23.

I’m kind of excited! Will you be watching or Youtubing this episode of Kris?

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