Kim Kardashian Calls Out Katie Couric For Being A “Fake Media Friend” On Instagram

16 Aug2013
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Let this be a lesson to all; do not mess with Kim Kardashian when it comes to her baby North West.

Kimmie has been laying low in the public eye as well as on social media but took the time to address, or should I say put on blast, a member of the media for being shady to Kim K and her baby girl.

On Instagram Kim Kardashian uploaded a photo of what looks like an infant onesie and a gift message from Katie Couric that read: “Dear Kim and Kanye, Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl! As the moth…and may I humbly suggest you continue the K tradition for name… Fondly, Katie Couric.” [And don’t worry there were no typos, the message got cut off for some reason.]

Well Kim wasn’t haven’t none of that. Along with the photo she added the caption, “#IHateFakeMediaFriends #MayIHumblySuggestYouNotSendGiftsThenTalkShit.” Ooohh, burn!

Do you think Kim Kardashian’s reaction was just?

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