FYI: Miley Cyrus Wants You To Know She’s Not “This Ratchet White Girl”

06 Aug2013
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Photo:  Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Well Miley I guess all your twerking ways are coming back to bite you in the booty.

Miley Cyrus is getting a negative perception about who she is and she cleared it all up in an interview with Notion magazine.

“People have this misconception of me that I’m just one of these kids on TV and that now I go off and party and I’m just this ratchet white girl, and I’m not,” the “We Can’t Stop” singer said. “I work really really hard, I’m just in a different environment.”

In the article Miley Cyrus also talks about how important her name has become. “Rather than taking a blessing and making it a curse, it’s just like this is what this name is now. But I think my name means something — it represents something more than just what the media tries to make of it.”

She adds, “I was thinking about dropping the Cyrus and just being Miley, but there’s something powerful about the fact that my name now is like a household name.”

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