Women We Love Wednesday: Katy Perry

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Photo: Hypable.com

Photo: Hypable.com

Happy middle of the week, Glamberous ones! To celebrate, I present to you another round of Women We Love Wednesday! This week, I’m highlighting everyone’s favorite California Girl, Ms. Katy Perry. She’s not only fun and fierce, but beautiful and extremely talented. Let’s show her some love, shall we?

So what has been KayPay been up to lately? She’s been popping up on magazine covers, helping out Britney Spears in the new video for “Ooh La La” (she plays Smurfette in the Smurfs sequel!) and the biggest news of all, she’s coming out with a new album in October. Even cooler? She let the world know by displaying a giant gold truck with the album’s name, Prism, splayed across it in the middle of L.A. Can you say awesome?!

Besides being super cool, she also has shown us her sensitive side and the long journey she had to get to her happy place. In her documentary, “Part of Me” (see it if you haven’t – it’s amazing), she opens up freely about various struggles, specifically her straining relationship with Russell Brand. It’s eye-opening and a definite tear-jerker. If she’s not your favorite pop star now, she will be after this!

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