LOL: Kristen Stewart Tells Pap “You don’t deserve to breathe the same air I do”

30 Jul2013
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Photo: robstenisfearlessTumblr

Photo: robstenisfearlessTumblr

That’s my girl!

Kristen Stewart hates the paparazzi and will use any and every opportunity to let them know it. Someone got great video of my Ki Ki going off on the paps since they follow her all the time.

The convo went something like:

“Why are you saying ‘f*ck off?”
“Because you’re a piece of sh*t and don’t deserve to breathe the same air I do.”

“Who’s a piece of sh*t?”
“You are, you f*ck face.”

I am officially done! I was cracking up and I don’t want to hear none of that it wasn’t her talking because trust me I’ve watched enough Kristen Stewart interviews to know her voice and how she curses.

You tell ’em Ki Ki! Watch Kristen Stewart tell a paparazzi off as she waits for her car below.

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