Photo Op: X-Men’s Professor X Present and Past;James Mcavoy and Patrick Stewart Unite

21 Jul2013
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Photo: IMDB

Photo: IMDB

This is sort of amazing and I’m kind of fangirling a bit. I love Marvel movies especially “The X-Men” franchise and San Diego Comic Con 2013 is giving me so many gems.

If you didn’t know, “X-Men: The First Class,” which didn’t star the original actors from the X-Men franchise, was such a success that a sequel, “X-Men: Days of Future Past” is well in the works; basically done. But what’s so special about this sequel is that is will combine the new and old X-men actors in one wonderful film. Still lost? Get into both Professor X’s, Patrick Stewart and James Mcavoy, united in this photo op at Comic Con. *squeals*

But these two weren’t the only ones there; Ellen Page (Kitty), Anna Paquin (Rogue), Halle Berry (Storm), Ian McKellen (Magneto), Shawn Ashmore (Iceman) and Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) from the previous X-Men films were there along with the newbies Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult.

Lucky CC goers even got to see a first look at “X-Men: Days of Future Past.” Youtube don’t fail me now, I want that clip!

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