Viral Video: Full House Reunion; Uncle Jesse & The Rippers Reunite on ‘Jimmy Fallon’

20 Jul2013
1,793 4
Photo: NBC

Photo: NBC

Thank you Late Night with Jimmy Fallon for making my childhood do backflips!

Jimmy Fallon had a mini Full House reunion when Uncle Jesse (John Stamos), Danny Tanner (Bob Saget) and Aunt Becky (Lori Loughlin) all appeared as guests on his late night talk show recently.

The show got even better when Jesse & The Rippers, Stamos character’s band, reunited and performed some tunes including “Forever” and the theme song from Full HouseAnd to add icing to the perfect cake, Lori Loughlin planted a big wet one on Stamos at the conclusion of the set. Have Mercy. 

Watch Jesse & The Rippers perform on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon below.

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