Movie Review: Turbo

11 Jul2013
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Hello Glamberous Ones!

On Tuesday, July 9, in New York City I was lucky enough to attend the premiere of DreamWork’s “Turbo,” in 3-D, the animated family film about a snail who’s dream in life is to be able to go fast and compete in the Indy 500.

I won’t give any spoilers away but I will give you my impression of the film and the message I took away from it.

Ryan Reynolds played the voice of the lead character Turbo, the ambitious dreamer. Paul Giamatti played the voice of Turbo’s overbearing, downer brother Chet. The two garden snails lived a normal life with a group of other snails who maintained a tomato garden in a house near by but Turbo had dreams way bigger than that. After a freak accident from a drag race, Turbo inherits many functions of a car; his eyes become high beams, his shell becomes an alarm/radio and he is now able to move at high speeds.

A near death experience sends Turbo and Chet away from the home they knew and into the life of Tito (Michael Peña), one half of Dos Bros Tacos. Tito is big on snail racing with the people he works with in a small complex: Bobby (Richard Jenkins), Kim-Ly (Ken Jeong), and Paz (Michelle Rodriguez) but Tito’s brother Angelo (Luis Guzmán) sees it all as a big waste of time. Once Tito realizes Turbo isn’t like the rest of the snails in the pact; Burn (Maya Rudolph), Skid Mark (Ben Schwartz), Smoove Move (Snoop Dogg), Whiplash (Samuel L. Jackson) and White Shadow (Mike Bell),they all decide to help him, except Angelo and Chet, get to the Indy 500 and compete against some of the greats; the best being Guy Gagné (Bill Hader).

The story continues leading up to the big race and what happens after. I for one loved the movie! Although the film is geared towards children, I connected with it on the message of never giving up on your dreams despite all the obstacles in your way and the people telling you that you can’t accomplish something just because they are afraid to try.

“Turbo” is a great family film with eye catching animation, humorous and loving characters and a message that kids of all ages can identify with. I give “Turbo” Five Glamberous Sparkles! 

Turbo” will be in theaters July 17.

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